31 may - 4 june 2023

Private: Investing in European Culture

To what degree are civilians and private businesses responsible for stimulating culture and cultural progress in Europe? Boudewijn Poelmann, chairman of the Goede Doelen Loterijen, talks about the value of private investment for Europe.

Thu, 02 Jun • 16:30
Het Concertgebouw - Koorzaal


The most significant investment made by 3.5 million Dutch households in art and culture is done through the Netherlands’ Nationale Postcode Loterij. While a great part of the Dutch people support European culture in this way, it is not a fact that is often actively considered. What is civil society’s role in stimulating social and cultural initiatives? And what is the impact of this investment in culture?

The intrinsic and societal impact of cultural initiatives has been argued extensively by philosophers, politicians and artists. But expressing this value in monetary terms remains challenging, yet is a crucial prerequisite to evaluate any cultural investment decisions versus alternatives.

Peter Mensing, consultant at PWC Strategy&, has set himself the task to help advance the valuation tools for cultural initiatives and will present a method to value the direct/monetary and indirect/non-monetary factors of cultural initiatives.

The questions raised in the presentations will be discussed by Boudewijn Poelmann, Peter Mensing and Merlijn Twaalfhoven (innovative composer/theater maker) in a panel discussion. What is the importance of private and public investments in culture? What are the hidden benefits of funding culture?

Moderator: Esther van Rijswijk

This programme will be in English.

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