31 may - 4 june 2023

Three Women / Film + Talk

With award-winning film director Ida Does & dr. Dienke Hondius we watch Three Women, a film addressing the denied colonial history of The Netherlands.

Sat, 02 Jun • 17:00
De Balie - Filmzaal


Three main characters advocate a worthy acknowledgment of Dutch slavery each in their own way. Three Women is a cinematic plea where different stories come together to tell the wider colonial story of The Netherlands, which is often denied or untold.

For this documentary, director Ida Does followed three women who are involved in the heritage of slavery. Valika Smeulders (heritage expert), Marian Markelo (winti priestess) and Ellen-Rose Kambel (researcher).

After the film there will be a panel discussion with award winning film director Ida Does (Amsterdam, traces of sugar, 2017), Ellen-Rose Kambel (one of the protagists of the film) and dr. Dienke Hondius (Blackness in Western Europe: Racial Patterns of Paternalism and Exclusion, 2014).

Moderated by: Inez Blanca. She is a researcher and activist and grew up on Aruba. She is a founding member of the University of Colour anti-racist collective and a former research assistant at UvA and the University of Warwick. She is newly a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, her project focuses on Caribbean poetry and philosophy.

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