31 may - 4 june 2023

Russia: a part of Europe or apart from Europe?

With Russian thinkers and artists we reflect on the future of Europe.

Sun, 03 Jun • 15:00
Frascati 1


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We tend to overlook Russia when discussing the future of European democrac y, whereas 77 percent of the Russian population lives on European territory. A missed opportunity, since Europe can no longer afford to consider the future of European collaboration and democracy solely from a Western-European perspective.

In Russia: A part of Europe or apart from Europe, Kysia Hekster (former NOS-correspondent Russia) asks Russian experts and artists to reflect on the future of Europe. How does the ideological question of Russia being a part of or apart from Europe resonate in their ideas and work?


* Sergey Ponomarev is a Russian photographer, contributor to the New York Times and the second individual Pulitzer Prize winner from Russia since 1992. He shared a Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography, according to the jury “for photographs that captured the resolve of refugees, the perils of their journeys and the struggle of host countries to take them in”. He will talk about his work with regard to the refugee crisis and if this European crisis is also a Russian crisis.
* Alisa Prudnikova is commissioner and the Artistic Director of regional art projects in the Russian Federation that operate internationally: the Ural Industrial Biennial in Ekaterinburg. Only five years after inception, the Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art has become an established initiative in the art world, featuring the most exciting local as well as world-renowned artistic talents. Prudnikova will also talk about her latest project The Renaissance Project in Brussels. The project will be launched in 2019-2020 and focusses on culture and its impact on the future of urban environment.
* Choreographer Oxana Chevtchouk will reflect on European values and culture in a dance duet with Rosanne Bakker .
* Actors Vanja Rukavina and Thomas Dudkiewicz will enrich the program with lively intermezzi, reciting texts from Russian authors.

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